Ways to Get Your Child in Educational Preschool to Start Writing Early
Friday, November 27th 2020, 6:15 PM

Teach Your Child to Start Writing Early and Prepare for Kindergarten – Guide for Educational Preschool

Lithia, United States - November 26, 2020 / Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academy of Circa / FishHawk /

Learning to write early gives children at a pre-k age much-needed confidence with literacy, so early writing has become a focal point for Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Programs and after-school programs. In almost all cases, children who learn to write early have little difficulty reading as they progress with their education. Early writers also achieve a head start on spelling, punctuation, handwriting, and grammar. 

circa pre-k school

Investing the time and resources to help your child write early will pay off in the future, as it promotes other skills, including fine motor development.  

Improve Communication Skills

Developing communication skills through creative thinking opportunities such as imaginative play is an indirect but critical requirement for early writing. The preschool curriculum from Kids ‘R’ Kids features language and literacy development, with daily reading sessions, pre-k games, and story performances to enable children to learn to express themselves.

Early language and literacy development form the foundation for generative knowledge, which is the ability to write words and sentences that convey messages. 

Teach Your Child to Write Their Name

When learning to write, a child needs to gain conceptual knowledge. In other words, you should teach your child that writing has a function and that written words have meaning. The best way to help a child recognize that letter combinations carry meaning is to teach them to write their own name. 

Make Writing Enjoyable

In preschool, children learn through play. They will engage in and learn from an activity, provided that they find it enjoyable. You can make writing fun for your child by incorporating it into pre-k activities they enjoy and not approaching it as a task or chore they have to complete. 

Use Creative Tools

Using creative tools—such as fingerpaint, plexiglass easels, and crayons is a highly effective way to incorporate writing into a child’s playtime and make it fun. Interesting writing tools will also help your children view writing as a creative activity, which will keep them engaged longer. 

Pre-K Sight Words Flash Cards

Learning to read and recognize words and letters will improve your child’s writing at an early age. Putting descriptive labels on everyday objects will help your child recognize words and develop their ability to read letters arranged in a specific sequence to form a word. Over time, they will find it easier to write the word because they will remember how it looks. 

Create Opportunities to Write

Create opportunities throughout the day for your child to write. If you ask your child to write name tags or a letter to a grandparent, for example, it will develop procedural knowledge, of writing mechanics. Regular writing also creates the opportunity for learning the alphabetic code and the various letter associations. 

Whether your child is at home or receiving after-school care, try to create as many rewarding writing opportunities as possible. The Kids ‘R’ Kids preschool curriculum incorporates writing in various play and learning activities. 

pre-k school circa

Company Information

Kids ‘R’ Kids Learning Academy is a family-owned facility providing children with a secure learning environment where they participate in one of many accredited academy programs. Please contact them with any questions you might have about how this academy might help your child.

Contact Information:

Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academy of Circa / FishHawk

5815 Kids Crossing Drive
Lithia, FL 33547
United States

Keith Balot
(813) 654-7000

Original Source: https://kidsrkids.com/circa-fishhawk/pre-k/ways-to-get-your-child-in-educational-preschool-to-start-writing-early/


We provide the most innovative facility and effective educational programs for children.


Keith Balot
Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academy of Circa / FishHawk

5815 Kids Crossing Drive
Lithia, FL, 33547, United States

E-Mail keith@krkvalrico.com

Phone (813) 654-7000


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