After School Program Picking The Right Option for Your Child
Wednesday, October 2nd 2019, 10:50 PM

Fishhawk After School Program Options for Parents and How to Choose

Lithia, United States - October 1, 2019 / Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academy of Circa / FishHawk /

How to Choose an After-School Program

The demands and expectations placed on children as they grow up are many more than before, and the benefits that children get from after-school programs are numerous. Significant numbers of parents are working full-time, and they want their children to be supervised after school hours. Supervision is the primary reason parents have for enrolling their kids in a program.  

After-school programs are not all the same. Choosing the after-school program that best suits your objectives is worth the effort. There are some aspects to consider in selecting an after-school program. They’re designed to enrich the behavioral, educational and cultural domains of children. These types of after-school programs target the overall personal, educational and cultural development of the child through age-appropriate classes and activities.


After School Program

Age Ranges of Programs

The programs often vary in their focus. Some programs cater to the needs of children in the full age-range from infant to toddler and from preschool to grades 1-12. Other programs focus on particular age bands to the exclusion of others. Whichever the age range, the curriculum for children needs to be appropriate and engaging so that children will stay motivated to attend and achieve.

What's in an After-School Program?

Educational program content for the younger ones might include naming, counting, and alphabet exercises. From Grade 1, the children get academic assistance. The assistance might entail homework help, tutoring in specific subjects and mentoring.

The development of artistic and musical talents is a valuable adjunct to the academic process. Likewise, sport and physical recreation have lifelong value and can be instilled easily in the early years. Many after-school programs embody the idea of classroom clubs that children can join to pursue their specific interests outside of academic and creative fields. There’s a trend towards programs devoting time to nutrition, fitness and healthy eating habits too.

There are countless after-school activities that a program may encompass. Generally, they fall into the areas of academic achievement and enrichment, sports, the performing arts, the creative arts, outdoor pursuits, hobbies, and interests.


A Set Curriculum or Individual Exploration?

An after-school program should be developing skills that will help create a solid foundation for future learning and personal growth. Better after-school programs are structured to find and nurture the child's specific skills and talents. Some programs encourage children to create their own after-school activities. They may be inspired to start a unique project or even establish a new club. Allowing children to choose activities they love keeps them excited and inspired in the learning process. 


Should the Program be Accredited?

It is better to enroll your child in a program that is accredited with relevant educational and child-care agencies and to ensure that suitable qualified staff are employed. Proper preventative and precautionary steps should have been taken by the after-school to minimize potential harm to the child. Similarly, open spaces that render the children visible at all times are preferred.

Infant and preschool programs span most hours of the working day and serve day-care functions. After-school programs start in the afternoon of school days, some on weekends and most of them run through term breaks. If it's full-day care that you need, the times of opening have an essential role in your decision.

After School Program

There are Multiple Benefits to be Had

After-school programs benefit all ages of children through to adolescents. Aside from the academic improvements that programs can promote, those who attend programs are more emotionally stable and socially adjusted. Choosing an after-school program such as those offered by Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academy of Circa / FishHawk will help children to grow in their social skills and leadership abilities through being a part of organized youth activities.

Contact Information:

Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academy of Circa / FishHawk

5815 Kids Crossing Drive
Lithia, FL 33547
United States

Keith Balot
(813) 654-7000

Original Source:


We provide the most innovative facility and effective educational programs for children.


Keith Balot
Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academy of Circa / FishHawk

5815 Kids Crossing Drive
Lithia, FL, 33547, United States


Phone (813) 654-7000


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